CertFirst provides complimentary on-line access to certification exam prep tools to all their clients which includes practice and as well as mock exams for majority of IT certifications. These exams are provided directly or through third party exam prep websites.
Do I really need this training?
Potential candidates also have an option to take a Pre-assessment exam to make sure they really need the required training by taking a Pre-assessment exam. Candidates can request for the online Pre-Assessment exam at no extra fee prior to enrolling in the class.
Candidates who are interested in taking a complimentary Pre-assessment can request a free on-line exam by filling up the following form:
Clients enrolled in any of the certification programs at CertFirst can request free access to practice and mock exams by sending am e-mail to support@CertFirst.com or call: 630-684-0355 to discuss this opportunity in details with one of our management professionals.