

CertFirst offers corporate and Govt. clients the option to purchase CertFirst vouchers in bulk towards any future training for their employees. The vouchers can be purchased in a certain volume at a discounted price and allows these organization to pre-purchase training at highly discounted price.

CertFirst vouchers can be used towards most of the training programs offered by CertFirst and can not be used toward the programs delivered through third party vendors/partners. All our CertPass vouchers are valid for up to two years. Companies also have an option to buy multiple course CertPass for individuals who may need to take more than two certifications within two years and have an option to save a bundle by pre-purchasing CertFirst CertPass for multiple training programs of their choice.

Training can be attended at any CertCamp locations in North America or Virtual Live as well. Virtual Live may be the best option for all our international clients.

Contact CertFirst Training Consultant? Email :

For complete details contact (USA Only): 877-724-3477 For complete details contact (world-wide): 630-684-0355